Traveller’s Tips

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10 Responses to Traveller’s Tips

  1. Greptours says:

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  4. Response to Some Tips for Editing Your Video

    Sergio Mangini says:
    June 22, 2010 at 3:50 pm (Edit)


    Desde la pre-historia los pueblos originarios de Patagonia – Tehuelches y Mapuches – desarrollaron la cultura textil de la fibra de guanaco, de gran finura y sumamente suave, al igual que otros pueblos lo hicieron en sus terruños con otras fibras; estas técnicas se aplican desde hace muchos años también a la fibra de lana de oveja, animal introducido por los conquistadores.-

    El clima frio de la región obligó a los pueblos originarios al desarrollo de técnicas de tejido especiales, tanto para soportar el frio, como el viento y la nieve de los largos inviernos patagónicos.-

    Tenemos entonces, dos corrientes muy bien diferenciadas en el arte textil patagónico, por un lado la corriente Aonikenk (Tehuelche), con sus diseños que han dejado representados en pinturas rupestres, y que luego fueron reproducidos con el telar en sus mantos, y por otro la corriente Mapuche, a partir del ingreso de este pueblo trasandino al territorio de los Tehuelches, que trajeron consigo su exquisita técnica, diseños y conocimientos ancestrales de teñido. Hoy después de varias centurias de confluencia cultural y étnica, se ha producido la simbiosis de ambas corrientes, dando como resultado el arte textil patagónico.-

    El orgullo de las tejedoras patagónicas, viene precedido de centurias de desarrollo de esta habilidad, del sentido de la estética, el cuidado por los detalles y la perfección con que hilaban y tejían en sus telares produciendo diseños muy coloridos, típicos de esta región de Sudamérica.-

    El laborioso proceso comienza con la esquila y selección del vello, el lavado para quitarle abrojos y tierra, y el cardado para dejara la fibra lista para hilar.

    El hilado se realizaba con el HUSO, una herramienta tradicional que se ha mantenido inalterable durante milenios, compuesta por un palillo de madera que lleva en uno de sus extremos otra pieza llamada tortero, generalmente redonda de madera, piedra, u otro material duro; la que ha sido paulatinamente reemplazado por la RUECA, que es una herramienta mas desarrollada que produce un hilado mas parejo y con mayor facilidad y velocidad.-

    Los colores tradicionalmente eran de origen mineral, vegetal y en algunos casos animal, hoy en día ha prevalecido el uso de la fibra con su coloración natural, que puede ser marrón claro o blanco en el caso de la fibra de guanaco, y blanco o marron oscuro para la fibra de oveja.-

    El telar mas utilizado es el vertical, porque permite adaptarlo para prendas de mayor tamaño, aunque Tehuelches y Mapuches tenían sus propias variantes para tejer fajas o ceñiidores, los primeros utilizaban el telar de cintura y los segundos el telar horizontal.-

    Por lo tanto la artesanía mas representativa de esta región es el tejido en telar, que han reproducido las manos de las tejedoras en el pasado remoto, y lo siguen haciendo, a través de diseños propios de la cosmovisión de los pueblos Tehuelche y Mapuche.-

  5. Somos una familia patagónica, que desde 2001 hemos conformado una Empresa Operadora de Servicios Turísticos en Destino – Destination Management Company in Patagonia – DMC; nos hemos especializamos en organizar tours en ambientes naturales, rurales y culturales de Patagonia – GEOTURISMO EN PATAGONIA ARGENTINA y CHILE.
    En nuestro site podrás encontrar mucha información para organizar tu viaje a Patagonia

  6. chomolugma, dulima, kumanday…..goddess of the mountain

  7. Senegal was a French colony and got its independence in 1960.It’s called country of teranga which means hospitality in local language. The first impression travellers have on Senegal is its welcoming friendly people. So this gives the country this fame of being a welcoming people.
    Senegal area is around 200,000sq km. It is limited to the north by Mauritania, to the east by Mali, to the south by the 2 Guineas countries. The country’s western border some 700km is marked by the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, running roughly north-south. About halfway down the coast, the large cap vert peninsula juts out west into the ocean. At the end of this peninsula is Dakar, the capital city with its surrounding suburbs and satellite towns, one of the largest cities in West Africa. To the north of the cap vert peninsula, the coast faces North West and is known as the Grande cote (the great coast) stretching almost unbroken to Senegal’s borders with Mauritania. South of the peninsula is the petite cote (small coast) faces south –west which makes the weather conditions more agreeable for tourism, and this area is among the most popular for visitors. Senegal’s other important geographical features include three major rivers which all flow east to west from the Fouta Djalon highland in neighbouring Guinea Conakry to the Atlantic ocean. In the north is the river Senegal which forms the border with Mauritania. Saintlouis the old capital city is at this river’s mouth. In south -eastern Senegal, the river Gambia flows through park national of NIOKOLOKOBA (913,000ha) before entering the country of Gambia itself. In the far south is the river Casamance, which gives its name to the surrounding Casamance area, a fertile zone of forest and farmland. You will find here Senegal’s most beautiful beaches. Another major river is the Saloum River which enters the ocean via a large delta to the south of the petite cote. Senegal’s country is largely flat with a natural vegetation of dry savannah woodland. Its lies at a latitude between12 and 17 degrees north of the equator at the western end of the Sahel.

    Senegal has 2 seasons: A dry season: from October to June. (Warm temperatures: 20 to 35° in daytime, the night is cooler) A rainy season: from June to September ;( warm and wet temperatures: 25° to 40° in day time. The rainy season is characterised by short sharp tropical rain showers. After rain the weather remains always sunny and at night it’s cool. The landscape is greener and wonderful. So SENEGAL offers summer like holidays all the time. The coast remains always cool thanks to the alizes. (breeze blowing all over the year on the coast.)
    Time: Senegal belongs to the Greenwich Mean Time zone with no time changes.
    Health: No vaccinations are obligatory. However vaccination against yellow fever and malaria prophylactic are definitely recommended.
    Visa: citizens from European Union and USA citizen don’t need visa to enter Senegal. Other nationalities will have to arrange visa easily at the closer Senegal embassy or consulate.
    Feasts: we celebrate Muslim, Christian feasts as well as traditional feasts. National sports: wrestling.

    Tourism facilities: Senegal is one of the best equipped countries for tourism in West Africa. Due to its privileged position Senegal is considered as a gateway to explore West Africa. Besides its wonderful large beaches, beach resorts, deluxe hotels, leisure and outdoor activities plus various national parks and a rich cultural diversity Senegal is positioning to become the major destination for tourism and business travel to West Africa with a better communication facilities and road network.
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  9. Lisa says:

    Thought I’d give you my Top 10.

    1. This is my favorite tip, so I put it first. If you are spontaneous with your travel or find yourself somewhere you are unfamiliar with, check out the postcards in the gift shops. That will give you a quick snapshot of local scenery and sites. I had an unplanned 3-hour layover in Milan a few years ago. When I checked out the post card rack, I learned that Di Vinci’s Last Supper was a short cab ride away. Much better than just killing time in a restaurant next to the train station.

    2. If you don’t already have your ticket, make sure and check flight to/from surrounding airports. The smaller airports surrounding the major hubs can be more convenient and save you hundreds of dollars.

    3. Always, always, always check the status of your flight before heading to the airport. Few things are worse then finding out your flight has been delayed or canceled after all the hassle of getting you and your luggage to the airport.

    4. Arrive at airport early enough not to rush. That extra 30 minutes does wonders to lower your stress level.

    5. Think ahead while packing. Do you really need 3 pairs of shoes and 3 pairs of pants? Figure out which shoes and clothes are multi-functional. Also, coordinating around one or two colors helps cut down on clothes.

    6. If you’re flight is longer than an hour, do yourself a favor and get a travel neck pillow. A good quality memory foam travel pillow will get your trip started right. The best travel pillows have full support that keep your head and neck in proper alignment. Remember, posture = comfort.

    7. Bring only one or two credit cards. If your wallet is lost or stolen, it won’t be such a hassle.

    8. Drink Gatorade. Often the water in different countries has impurities that can make you sick. Sightseeing is surprisingly strenuous.

    9. Best money saving tip. Take a moment to reflect on what travelers visit in your area. I can’t believe how many people in Southern California have never been to the Grand Canyon, for example.

    10. If you do research on your travel online, don’t forget to glance at the reader’s comments. Often, you will find great insights (like these 10, perhaps (: ).

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